Project 1-11 WF
Carbon Farming
The Kelly-Chirgwin family have managed this land for over 65 years and are currently producing hay (predominately oaten hay) for export and domestic markets. The family have used the land in a number of ways and tried various soil management practices over this time.
The current hay production is high input and high risk. Variations season-to-season in irrigated water supply allocation is a limiting factor for farm operations and natural rainfall patterns are becoming increasingly unreliable. This is problematic as a lack of winter and spring rain causes uncertainty in the watering program whereas increases in unseasonal summer rain negatively impacts the baling quality of the hay produced. The family is concerned that water supply instability may mean future generations are not able to manage the farm profitability.
The facts
Number of CADRs
Issuance Date
New South Wales, Australia.
Land Area
Hay Production
Agricultural Activity
Climate Action Initiatives
Conducting a Carbon Pump Carbon Farming (CPCF) project on the farm was seen as an opportunity to assess the health of soils under the current land management approach. The results from the project will guide decisions and investment to improve soil health and carbon sequestration. The family also intend to experiment with multi species pasture mix and pasture cropping as an alternative their current hay production cycle.

Project Summary
The production of hay is high input and high risk, especially when dealing with inconsistent rainfall. Engaging with CarbonPump has allowed the Kelly-Chirgwin family to ensure profitability into the future.